Brian Rogers
Vice President

Brian has professional experience in hotel and restaurant management and development. He has served in executive-level management for the majority of his career for hotels, restaurants, event venues, and other hospitality-related entities. Brian created, developed, and implemented strategies for these entities, resulting in increased profitability and customer service and fulfilling delivery of brand promises. This background makes Brian a natural fit for all things ARG.

  • Years of Experience
  • 20+
  • Brain's Role at ARG
  • No one really knows… but he somehow seems to be in a little bit of everything
  • Favorite Quote:
  • "Better to be silent and thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt." - Maurice Switzer
  • Favorite Movie:
  • Blazing Saddles
  • Most likely to be found on a day off:
  • Greer's Ferry Lake
  • Fur-Family:
  • Ray Roy and Bud
  • Required Office Supply:
  • Laptop, no office required!
Ashley Hayden
Director of Client Services

Ashley’s experience consists of conference and event management, registration management, coordination and logistics, as well as financial and budget management.

  • Years of Experience
  • 10+
  • Ashley's Role at ARG
  • Ashley does all of the ins and outs of conference management, from registration and applications, databases, sponsorships and VIP logistics, as well as budgets, financials, badges and programs.
  • Favorite Quote:
  • “The real winners in life are the people who look at every situation with an expectation that they can make it work or make it better.” – Barbara Pletcher
  • Favorite Movie:
  • Tombstone, The Family Stone
  • Most likely to be found on a day off:
  • Relaxing with a hot cup of coffee
  • Fur-Family:
  • Remi (German Shepherd) and Maci (black lab)
  • Required Office Supply:
  • Coffee, to-do lists, music playlist, and more coffee?!
Megan Neumeier
Director of Convention Services, CMP

Megan has experience in the hospitality industry and has done everything from flipping omelets to developing and executing large-scale events. Megan has held director-level positions in various event venues including convention centers, conference hotels, and performance halls. In addition to years of experience and education, Megan holds a Certified Meeting Professional (CMP) designation from the Event Industry Council.

  • Years of Experience
  • 20+
  • Megan's Role at ARG
  • Megan’s primary focus is developing quality and professional conferences for our clients. This includes contract negotiations, logistical planning, budget analysis, marketing and promotions and much more. Megan also works directly with some of our client and membership constituents delivering top notch customer service.
  • Favorite Quote:
  • “If you are too big to do the little things, you are too little to do big things.” - Author, Jentezen Franklin
  • Favorite Movie:
  • Robin Hood (the one with Kevin Costner)
  • Most likely to be found on a day off:
  • Outside enjoying fresh air with an audiobook.
  • Fur-Family:
  • Gizmo
  • Required Office Supply:
  • Extra widescreen monitor
Kimmy Stephens
Event Services Coordinator

Kimmy has worked with a college campus ministry for 7 years & now volunteers alongside her husband, Noah, to disciple college students. Her experience includes managing event and travel logistics and financials, marketing, graphic design and communications.

  • Years of Experience
  • 7+
  • Kimmy's Role at ARG
  • Kimmy makes the graphics, answers your questions, & fills in the gaps wherever needed! She loves anything creative & has been part of the ARG Team since August 2022!
  • Favorite Quote:
  • “Any job worth doing is worth doing well.” – Thomas Keller
  • Favorite Movie:
  • Moonrise Kingdom
  • Most likely to be found on a day off:
  • On the Peloton, thrifting, or adventuring with Noah
  • Fur-Family:
  • Samson (dog), Scout (dog), Skipper, Spice, Cinnamon, and Squeaky (cats)
  • Required Office Supply:
  • Treadmill desk!
Kat Hills
Media and Web Services Manager

Kat has professional experience in both print and digital media. She brings IT, website development, and design experience to the group.

  • Years of Experience
  • 10+
  • Kat's Role at ARG
  • She’s a pro at creating web-based solutions to team and client problems and oversees the technical aspects of ARG.
  • Favorite Quote:
  • “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” – Arthur Ashe
  • Favorite Movie:
  • The Last Unicorn
  • Most likely to be found on a day off:
  • Browsing a bookstore or library, latte in hand!
  • Fur-Family:
  • Nova (technically her daughter’s cat!)
  • Required Office Supply:
  • The internet (wait, that’s an office supply, right?)
Amy Wall
Accounting Manager

Amy has experience in financial accounting and office administration.

  • Years of Experience
  • 25+
  • Amy's Role at ARG
  • Accounts payable and receivable, reconciliations, financial statement preparation, and most things related to finances for ARG and ARG Development as well as some related work for association management clients.
  • Favorite Quote:
  • “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney
  • Favorite Movie:
  • Pulp Fiction
  • Most likely to be found on a day off:
  • Spending time with her husband and 2 daughters.
  • Fur-Family:
  • Abby, a black lab mix
  • Required Office Supply:
  • Quickbooks